Posted by Lex
Hey guys! Ever since granddad abandoned us on this island we've had to fend for ourselves. I've been helping a lot and without me we probably wouldn't have survived. I've mastered the site's computer systems, and most of the machines around the island now run iLex, a 3D UNIX-based microkernel OS that I developed after we moved in. iLex's UI is probably 2000% better than the old UNIX system–more parallel, less I/O-intensive, and best of all it has a full bash shell!
Lately everyone's been getting bummed about the raptors' health. Ellie's been trying to help, and as boring as Blurmaculture is, I thought I'd use my UNIX skills to help. Even though I'm a vegetarian, I do like the raptors, and anyway Ellie said that if I help her, I can plant some of my own favorite plants ;-), as long as they have the right microclimate, soil profile, blah blah blah.
Here's a 3D site analysis for the garden that I made using the latest build of iLex:
Pretty neat right? These are the garden boxes that Ellie & Sam built. I also modeled the sun patterns through the whole year. Here's a video of the summer sun:
Sweet! In the summer, there's sun from 10am-6pm. Except, at 4pm, the shade from the tree outside the gate begins to cover the inner box. This means plants that need more shade can be planted there, and plants that need more sun can go in the outer box. Look, I'm a Blomaculture too!
So, that's all for now... I'd like to end this post with a message. I don't know if you've ever tried pwning n00
bz on your own operating system like iLex. You basically can't, because most games only support Micro$oft DirectX. So please support OpenGL's 3D software standards. TK on any OS!
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